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2020 Intentions
Every new year, I’ve made resolutions hoping to shape the next twelve months, and every year I’ve abandoned them barely a month in. Anxiety can result in black and white thinking, so for me any “failure” of a New Years resolution meant I might as well scrap the whole goal. This year I’m making intentions for myself to serve as an overall guide rather than creating rigid resolutions that feel like they’re pass/fail.
I’ll let go of people who aren’t on my team anymore
I had a rough go of it this past decade, and left a trail of broken friendships in my wake. I wasn’t always easy to be around, even for myself. My anxiety tries to dwell on these lost friendships and relationships, punishing me for being a bad person.
This year, I’m done with fixating on the past and the people who have moved on from me. Trying to atone for whatever sin I committed won’t restore those relationships, and it isn’t good for my mental health to fixate on how I might remedy what I did wrong. Each of these people decided at some point or another that I wasn’t a positive influence in their lives, and that’s their decision to make. The best thing I can do for myself is move forward and be the best friend or partner I can to everyone who is on my team supporting me right now.
I’ll listen more closely to my gut